Reading Eggs supports hybrid teaching
Huge eBooks Library to support hybrid teaching
With over 2500 stories to fall in love with, Reading Eggs helps students discover reading experiences, combining engaging ebooks with games, rewards and excitement. Reading Eggs’ huge library has a book waiting for every student, covering a range of interests and themes for all reading abilities.
For teachers
- Instant feedback – narrated end of peak quizzes
- Weekly planners for each letter set
- Fast Phonics Teaching Guide
- Access to Decodable resources
- Hundreds of printable worksheets
For students
- Learning path – Builds at their speed
- Ensures key skills are learned in a systematic way
- Engaging and rewarding without distracting from the learning
- View their progress (letters they know, books they’ve read)
- Contextualise their learning
- Makes learning phonics fun
Start a 30-day trial, see student progress in less than 2 weeks.
See if Reading Eggs is right for your students with unlimited access for 30 days. Here’s what’s included during your trial:
- 2500+ ebooks
Find a story for every learner to fall in love with in your huge new library. - Engaging activities
Develop early learner literacy confidence with exciting activities and fun games. - Downloadable and printable resources
Download and print your choice from hundreds of worksheets – yours to keep forever. - Human support
You’ll have one of our Reading Eggs team on-hand to help you set up and get the most out of your trial.
Ready to get started with Reading Eggs?